Seba Deluxe Frames 231

Special Price ₪700.00 במקום ₪900.00
סקירה כללית

Seba Deluxe Frames 231mm is considered as one of the best frames on the market. It is stiffer, lighter and guarantees superior control, comfort, and outstanding power transfer. It is great for most demanding skating styles.

The secret of the Deluxe frame is the tubular cross-braces. Cross braces are typically the weakest point in a frame, and the demands of slalom and freestyle skating can often lead them to crack. In the Deluxe frame, after extrusion, the cross braces each have a hole drilled town the length to turn them into tubes. These tubes are much stronger than the standard cross brace, and provide the frame with excellent stiffness and durability. The short lengths available are ideal for slalom, freestyle and dance skating disciplines.